
Formal Observation in Maths: 
" Sarah I just want to acknowledge the incredible effort you have put into creating a positive classroom culture this year.  You are creative, hard working and teachable.  Your classroom runs like a well oiled machine because of your organisation and Room 15 are engaged and happy.  I have appreciated the hard work you have put in this year to provide the best learning opportunities for your students.   Extra class trips, your willingness to work in the E-Learning suite, your desire to become a Mimio expert’, and communicating to your parents regularly are just some of the things that have all shown your commitment to being the best you can be. Room 15 have been blessed to have such a committed and creative teacher.  I look forward to seeing where you go from here, I am sure it will be from strength to strength! "

Observation in Reading:

This shows self reflection - reflecting on a lesson and making changes to better suit the needs of the students


Observation in Writing:

This shows the layout of a standard lesson using and intergrating ICT - Youtube and Mimio


Observed by Lead Maths teacher. No advice needed to be given on improving practise.

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